Day #492 (Tue., May 10, 2011) – Little Miss “Chatty”
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I had a tension headache last night so I went to bed early…almost as soon as I got home. As a result Katie didn’t get to see much of her daddy. She was bound and determined to make up for it this morning. She met me at the top of the stairs with her customary greeting. What is that? Read on…

Katie sure loves her crayons and markers and coloring and sandbox. You can see her combine all these activities in the photo to the right.
As soon as I arrive home I will start to say something like “boo boo boo” or “Hi baby” and I will hear Katie start to talk back and raise a commotion upstairs. She will often reply “da da”. As I inch my way up the stairs she will be just behind the railing waiting for “da da” to arrive. As soon as she sees me she will let out this big grin. It’s almost like she cannot contain her excitement… Rather than wait for me to give her a hug she is “off”. She will run around to a distant area of the house and bring back “something”. It could be a flower, a piece of a puzzle, a shoe (oh my she loves her shoes), or some other sort of a “widget”. She takes great joy in showing me what she has sorted and packed away in the course of the day. Heaven forbid she wait for daddy to give her a hug…she’s not into that “mushy” stuff too much. She does like being close to you mind you, just not too much into hugging.
Katie was extremely chatty this evening. My wife commented a couple of days ago how she has never heard her talk so much. It’s hard to make out what she is saying (other than the occasional “orange” or “cook”), but she sure seems to have a lot to say and is duty bound to let the world know about it. My wife told me that the babysitter said she is a young lady on a “mission”. Mission is probably a good term for it. She is always running around with such a determined look on her face to accomplish “something”.
1) Katie is becoming more and more talkative.