Day #494 (Thu., May 12, 2011) – Wandering The Mexican Restaurant
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My wife has mentioned from time-to-time that she loves flowers and would like an herb garden, so I’ve been gradually picking up plants on my various trips to Trader Joe’s or Lowe’s. We currently have rosemary, oregano, thyme, and basil. You can see a photo of them to the left. They are growing very rapidly and make great additions to our salads and sauces.
My wife and I bundled up Katie and went to our favorite Mexican Restaurant in Apex this evening. Once we got inside I put Katie down thinking that she would follow me to the table. She had other ideas. She wandered around looking at all the various artifacts and staring at the people. My wife had to eventually pick her up and take her to our table.
We must have got there close to closing time because a woman soon started to sweep the floor. Katie was fascinated by this of course. We have noticed that she loves to do almost anything domestic. She loves to sweep, organize clothes, and put dishes (and herself) in the dishwasher. Hopefully she will keep this desire when she gets older… 🙂
1) Katie sure loves to do domestic activities.