Day #495 (Fri., May 13, 2011) – Katie’s Lost Shoe
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For the past 4 nights Katie has slept right through. My wife was telling me what a joy it was to be able to get back to sleeping for long stretches again.

Katie sure loves her books. She is constantly moving them all around the house and bringing them to my wife and I to read to her. In the photo to the left you can see a classic that I had when I was a kid…”Green Eggs And Ham”…
I took Katie for a stroll today. She managed to kick her shoe off. I didn’t notice this til I got back home so I drove the car back over our route. I even got out of the car to walk the portion that I could not drive. No luck. Heaven knows where that shoe ended up… She sure hates having shoes on her feet. The funny thing is, next to books, this is one of her favorite things to bring you and show you. She brings them to you in her hands mind you…not on her feet.
Katie had another bath this evening. She loves to line “Winnie”, “Piglet”, and “Tigger” on the side of the tub. Once she starts to push them off the edge and throw them around I know that bath time is over.
1) Katie lost her shoe during our stroll today.