Day #32 (Thurs., Feb. 4, 2010) – Most Animated
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We are finding just how much little Katie will relax when she hears soothing music. It used to be that she would only calm down when she was fed, but music seems to be doing the trick more and more.

This morning I turned both the sound machine on the “Pack ‘n Play” and the melody maker in the toy sheep on, and little Katie relaxed quite a bit. She was crying before I turned them on, so we are making progress.
On the right is a photo of some of the outfits we got from my mother in the package the other day. See that red outfit? Well, little Katie was wearing it today. The outfit said “3 months”, but little Katie is fitting it perfectly.
When my wife picked up little Katie this morning and said brought her to me she said “Go see daddy”. Little Katie smiled and gave out a big laugh of excitement. This is the first time she has made a sound like this. She usually just stares at you, but I guess this is another sign that she is growing up.
My wife and I both think that today was the day that little Katie was animated the most. She seemed to be wanting to talk to us, but her vocabulary is very limited to “dah” at this stage.
1) Little Katie is growing like a weed…