Day #497 (Sun., May 15, 2011) – The Turkish Restaurant
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We went to a Turkish Restaurant in Cary this afternoon. I gave her some bread and she managed to dip it into the olive oil sauce. She also put her hands in the sauce but we won’t talk about that. After a while she got a bit fussy, so I took her out of her high chair and let her roam around the restaurant. I even let her got out onto the patio to roam around a bit. People were all saying how cute she was. She seems to be fearless in meeting people and such. What a gregarious chipmunk…
After the restaurant we drove around a bit then took Katie to a playyard in downtown Cary (see photo to the right). They had a nice slide set made especially for kids Katie’s age. The ground was also some sort of styrofoam rubber “thing’, so it was a bit bouncy and would protect her knees in case she fell.
1) Katie enjoyed roaming around the Turkish Restaurant this afternoon.