Day #502 (Fri., May 20, 2011) – Katie & The Patio
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Katie just loves it out on the patio. When she is up she is constantly going out there and shutting the screen door, playing, and coming back.
I cooked some pizza today and cut a hot dog length-wise into four long slices for Katie. When it cooked it twirled up into rings. She was unsure of them at first, but eventually I saw her roaming around the house munching on them.
We received our first book in our “Animal Baby” subscription. You can see a photo of it in the picture to the right.
I was playing with Katie on the patio today. I started to throw the blue and pink balls against the wall. As they came back I threw them again. Katie got a great kick out of this and started to laugh and laugh.
I asked Katie to dance for me out on the patio so she started to twirl around as I clapped my hands and sang. She sure loves to dance and move.
When my wife puts Katie to bed in the evening they always say goodnight to all the plush animals. This evening Katie asked her for “Winnie the Pooh” so that she could take it to bed with her.
1) Katie loves it out on the patio.