Day #513 (Tue., May 31, 2011) – BlackBerries & Raspberries
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It seems that reading is out with Katie these days. She wants to “puch” (color and draw). Not only that…she wants you to “puch” with her. Nothing is safe. Take a look at the seat on my LazyBoy in the photo to the right…
I had to run to Trader Joe’s to get some food for Katie today. We are out of strawberries (naturally), but I picked up some organic pears, organic blackberries and organic raspberries as well. I picked up a cantaloupe…let’s see if Katie likes it. I also went to the general store on Carpenter Road to get some natural honey ($11 for a 44oz jar).
We had another swim in our inflatable pool on the patio this evening. Katie likes to help daddy pour buckets of water into the pool. This evening she tried something new. She would hold out her foot while daddy washed it with water.
My wife gave Katie a combination of blackberries and raspberries this evening. She hasn’t had raspberries for a while…so she took a bite out of it and put it back, then went for the “more sure” blackberries she has tried in the past.
When Katie got the plate she blew on it…like daddy does when he gives her a hot dish. She doesn’t realize why I blow on it…she is just being the mimic.
This evening I was playing with Katie out on the patio before she went to bed. I would pour a bucket of water (left over from our swim this afternoon) onto the patio deck and soak it up in our chamois. I would then pour it back into the bucket. Katie got a great kick out of this, but she enjoyed pouring the water out the most. Too bad most of it didn’t end up back on the deck. It ended up on her dress!
9:28pm – Katie is up. I am trying to calm her down by playing a bit of classical music on the television. She hasn’t decided what she wants to do for a living yet. Either play a classical instrument or eat crayons for a living…
1) The fruit and vegetable stand down the road is out of strawberries to pick. The season is over.
2) Katie is getting used to raspberries again.