Day #515 (Thu., June 2, 2011) – Advice From The Police
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5:30am – Katie is up and running, but yawning. I went out to the living room to “puch” (color) with her. Soon she was ready for bed.

When I got up this morning my wife and Katie were already up. My wife told me to come into the nursery. Katie had managed to take a green marker to bed with her and it was all over the mattress, sheet and walls (see photo to the left). We are not sure how she got it. Perhaps she took it to her bedroom when she was running around yesterday. Fortunately they are washable. My wife was able to get the coloring out no problem.
Katie has made a little chair out of the shoe box that resides at the front of the television. Sometimes she will stand on it to get a closer look on what’s on tv, but this morning she is making a chair out of it.
Thomas The Train is on television this morning. Katie is climbing up on the shoe boxes in front of the television to get a better look. She will sometimes touch the UNC-KD logo with a picture of the deer.
I just caught Katie marking on the walls in the hallway. But the time we pay off our mortgage our house will be worth nothing…
I stopped off at the Dollar Store today and picked up some supplies for Katie. I got:
1) A large coloring book about dinosaurs.
2) A plastic ball to keep in our car trunk for those outings to the park.
3) A water squirter shaped like a crayon for our jaunts in the pool.
4) Some soap bubble making liquid.
Around 11pm Katie was up and running. She was fussy so we decided that we would take a drive. The police had a roadblock down the road and stopped us to do a random driver’s license check. He saw a plate of food that my wife had on her lap and said that we must be coming back from a party. I said no, we are driving to try and calm our child down so that she can sleep. He said that I don’t think it is working. He turned out to be right… We drove to Apex and back and played with Katie some more til she got tired and went to bed.
1) Katie can sure make a mess with those crayons and markers.