Day #524 (Sat., June 11, 2011) – The Wooden Monkey
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We were planning on driving to Durham to get some haircuts this afternoon but Katie had a long nap of about 3 hours. By the time she got up it was too late, so we had alternate plans.

We went to Havana Grill for dinner. We had a 2-1 coupon which was nice. There was a wooden monkey at the entrance holding the menu (see photo to the right)…Katie liked that.
After the meal we drove to the park in downtown Cary. Katie enjoyed gathering the various nuts that were on the ground under the trees. She would bring them back to us and put them in a pile. She is such an organizer… She did manage to bring one to the car with her. By the time we got home it was munched on all around the sides. Everything goes into the mouth. We have noticed that she seems to have outgrown this park. It does not have all the activities that the other parks have.
When we got home we Skyped my mother. Katie danced around a bit for her. My mother is amazed at how quickly she is growing.
This evening we put 5 buckets of water in the inflatable pool and splashed around a bit. My wife and I took turns squirting each other with the crayon water toy, and Katie laughed and laughed.
PBS had a special on Jackie Evancho this evening. We taped it for Katie. She is the little girl with the grown up voice that appeared on Oprah recently. Katie was in the high chair when I turned it on. She likes it…we think. She was very chatty while it was on…but it does not have all the dancing and other excitement that she likes so much.
We had a very hard time putting Katie to bed this evening. She would be quiet for a while, then start screaming. Perhaps she is still teething. “Patching” seemed to calm her down for a while, but she would be up again.
1) Katie loved the wooden money holding the menu.