Day #531 (Sat., June 18, 2011) – Up At Noon”ish”
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It was a rough night last night. Katie got up at midnight and went back to bed at 5pm (after we took her for a drive at 3:30am). We crashed when she did… Katie got up at 11:30am and she was up til 5pm. She slept from 5pm til 7:30pm and she is still now… (10pm). It’s been a strange day. Hard to tell when morning, noon and evening are.
We had a Skype session with my mother this afternoon. We usually talk via our regular phone and view the Skype images. I asked Katie to say hello to mom…but she waved (she didn’t realize that you can’t see her on a phone).

I made homemade pizzas tonight. Tortillas, mushrooms, pepperoni, cheese… I put lots of frozen peas on my wife’s so that she could feed them to Katie.
As you can tell from the photo to the left Katie has learned how to get up on top of the coffee table…
We have a new Lawrence Welk this evening. We always look forward to this as there is something new to show on television when Katie gets fussy.
9:55pm – Katie is bouncing the plush doggy on her lap right now. She seems to be playing with plush animals as of late.
We are thinking that we will need to get the “Andre Rieu: Live in Vienna” show on DVD. This is probably Katie’s favorite show and there are two benefits to having it on DVD. (1) No commercials…the PBS version is overflowing with them. (2) It will free up space on our TiVo for more Lawrence Welk shows.
10:06pm – Time for Katie’s bath. She has a bad rash on her stomach and we are trying to figure out what the cause is. We thought it might be that the water in the pool is unfiltered, but the water in the bath is filtered…so that is out. Perhaps her washable markers are the culprit?
1) Katie has a rash on her stomach…not sure why.