Day #38 (Wed., Feb. 10, 2010) – Baby Bibs
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4:44am and little Katie has just completed her early morning breakfast and is ready for some more sleep. After nursing she loves to be held sitting up on your lap with your hand under her neck. She seems to fall asleep in this position. I have never seen anyone fall asleep in such an uncomfortable position before…

Little Katie weighed in at 11lbs 8oz this morning…
I have this “ringing” in my right ear that just won’t seem to go away. This is the ear that is facing my wife when she feeds little Katie, and the one that gets the full brunt of her displeasure when she is not a “happy camper”. Guess I’m a lefty in more ways than one now…
We are running out of diapers so I stopped by Target and picked some up. Little Katie is wearing size #1 now, but I picked up some size #2 in anticipation of future growth. If you are having a baby soon you should check out what they have to offer. My wife has done a thorough investigation and they seem to offer the best deal.
I also picked up some refills for our Diaper Genie, and some more bibs. Aren’t these bibs cute (my wife thinks though)? Very affordable (around $11 for 10 bibs) and “girly” don’t you think?
Little Katie is so fun to talk to these days. I’ve found that if you “cooo” to her she will sometimes “coo” back, and give you that broad smile that just makes you melt…
Little Katie is having her “late night snack” right now. She just spit up on one of the new yellow bibs I bought today. Sure hope she likes them…no chance of returning them now.
1) Target has great baby stuff at good prices.