Day #576 (Tue., Aug 2, 2011) – Greeting Card Chicken
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It’s just past midnight… Katie was watching Oswald this evening down in our bedroom. I fell asleep in the bed and at 12:20am my wife found the remote in my hand. At 12:32am my wife took Katie to my LazyBoy in the living room where she was munching on an avocado.

Katie loves to watch television from her perch on the coffee table (see photo the left). Katie picked up a greeting card and took it to my wife. She pointed at the baby chicken on the front of it and said “chick”. It’s amazing what this kid knows…
Christina came by this afternoon to help us out. My mother-in-law arrives tomorrow, but she is going to be here to help us out before she arrives. I had to go to Trader Joe’s for supplies so I got her some of her favorite cookies.
I took Katie to Lowe’s this evening for a bit of a run. We played with the various plumbing parts, saw each other in the mirrors, sat on the ride-on mower tractors, and saw the flowers and water fountains in the garden center. It really seemed to calm Katie down. She was much more manageable this evening.
We were looking for the camera this evening. I put it on my wife’s laptop and now it has gone missing. We eventually found it. Katie put it into the storage area on her pink ride-on toy.
1) Katie tried out the rid-on mower tractors this evening.