Day #39 (Thu., Feb. 11, 2010) – “Chipmunking”
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Definition: “Chipmunking” – The term that my wife and I have affectionately coined for the various squeaks, chirps and squawks that little Katie gives off from time to time when she is not in a deep sleep.

Usage in a Sentence: “She had been chipmunking for quite a while so I fed her and put her back to bed”.
Another stroll for little Katie around the neighborhood today. Can you believe that there is still snow on the ground? Still some snow from the last snowstorm and there is talk of more snow on they way in Saturday. Little Katie was restful at first, but by the time we got to the lake she started to fuss. We thought that the best thing would be to take her home…so a rather quick stroll today.
8:30pm – Little Katie is wearing her new “green bib” and sleeping in the bouncy chair on the bed right now. She was smiling at me intently as I was eating dinner.
1) The definition of “chipmunking”.