Day #578 (Thu., Aug 4, 2011) – The Smiley-Face Balloon
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This is the first full day in which my mother-in-law is with us and has she ever taken a load off both my wife and myself. I can now get to stuff that I need to do around the house. I can’t really do it when Katie is up as she will “try to help”…which means it takes longer. My wife is very happy that she can do her thesis work at long stretches.

This evening my wife studied while my mother-in-law and I took Katie out for a run. We ended up at the Dollar Store to pick up supplies. I bought a coloring book for Katie and a helium-filled balloon with a smiley face (see photo to the right) on it.
That helium-filled balloon proved to be quite the hit once we got it home. Katie would take turns of grabbing the string and taking it to my wife then me.
My mother-in-law tried to give Katie a bath this evening but it was hard to keep Katie in the tub. Perhaps she was looking for me as I have been giving her a bath as of late.
Katie is really into trains. She has given up Lawrence Welk and Classical Music in Vienna for YouTube videos of trains. My wife asked me how this “train business” all started and here’s the breakdown…
1) Katie would hear a train while in the house and take notice.
2) I would say “Whoo Whoo” when she hear this train.
3) We took her to the Thomas The Train display at the mall.
4) The more we talked about trains…the more interested she grew in them.
1) Katie enjoys her helium-filled smiley-face balloon.