Day #581 (Sun., Aug 7, 2011) – The Little Toy Bird
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We had a Skype session with my mother this afternoon. She got to see my mother-in-law again…as well as Katie of course.
My wife wanted to return some stuff at Kohl’s so I took Katie and my mother-in-law with me. Katie is quite the handful. She runs like the wind and winds in and out of the various shelves so she is rather unpredictable.

One thing I saw at Kohl’s that I thought was rather neat was a Hallmark book called “Dad & Me” (see photo to the right) in which you ask questions and your child will answer them and they are recorded for posterity.
Katie managed to work her way in-between the various necklace displays and it was hard to get her hand on her. In the meantime she was playing with all the various necklaces…
My mother-in-law gave Katie a little toy bird that sings. Katie has been fascinated with birds as of late so she really enjoyed it. We looked back at her in the high chair and she had it in her mouth…perhaps she thought it was for dinner?
1) Katie got a little toy bird from her grandmother.