Day #592 (Thu., Aug 18, 2011) – Katie And Her Flags

Early this morning I finished a long article regarding the jumperoo and how it could be the best toy that we have ever bought Katie. It has all kinds of videos and pictures. You can read about it here.

2011-08-18 - Katie On A Swing
2011-08-18 - Katie On A Swing

I drove out to Sam’s Club and got two chrome shelving units for the garage this afternoon. They cost $99.00 each, but they should go a long way to help get our garage organized. At least we will be able to put a lot of Katie’s toys on them.

My mother-in-law was cleaning the shelf over the fireplace and took off some of the flags do do it. Katie got ahold of them and started to dance around with them. She will actually say “flag” when referring to them. She can say almost anything she wants to say these days. Of course 1-syllable words work best.

This evening my mother-in-law and I took Katie to the playground area at Bond Park. This is the first time that my mother-in-law has been here. As usual, it was hard to get Katie out of the swing (see photo to the right). I did meet a guy who was swinging his little daughter. He told me about the Hope Valley Railway…a little railway and museum for children. We’ll have to take Katie there one day…she would love it.

1) Katie sure loves her swings these days.