Day #595 (Sun., Aug 21, 2011) – More Beet Soup Please
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My wife put Katie to bed then went to sleep herself this evening. I was up when Katie started crying shortly after midnight. We watched a bit of the “Three Stooges…that seemed to calm her down. There is a lot of movement and crazy antics…just the thing to soothe a baby.

The photo to the left shows three little “mini-books” that I got for Katie at the Dollar Store the other day. It’s amazing what you can get at that store for only a buck.
I put one and a half shelving units in place this afternoon. My wife brought Katie down to inspect so that is where the actual “work” ended. Katie is fascinated with daddy working.
My mother-in-law made beet soup today and Katie loved it. She ate about 18 spoonfuls and couldn’t seem to get enough. It’s funny what this child loves and what she doesn’t like much.
Katie slept til 7:0pm this evening so it was too late to take her out for a run. I played with her in the living room til “LATE” (or early if you will).
1) Katie sure loves her beet soup.