Day #42 (Sun., Feb. 14, 2010) – Valentine’s Day

Here it is, little Katie’s first Valentine’s Day. She doesn’t seem to be too impressed with the holiday. “Feed me, burp me, entertain me, let me sleep”. That is her mantra…

2010-02-14 - The Ducks
2010-02-14 - The Ducks

My wife read yesterday that babies reach their peak of crying at 6 weeks, and she was born 6 weeks ago early tomorrow. Let’s hope that she will calm down a bit more and my wife and I can get back to catching up on our sleep…

We had another stroll outside today. The ducks were out in full force on the nearby lake. The snow is melting and we are getting the feeling that spring is just around the corner. Little Katie behaved herself for the most part. She lies on her stroller and looks up into the sky. What is she looking at? We don’t know. Perhaps she likes the contrast between the dark tree branches and the light blue sky.

Little Katie has been playing a game with us lately. It goes something like this. We change her. Once we are done, she needs changing again. She waits and waits til we change her again…then she needs changing again. All while this is going on she has this little smirk on her face…kind of like a “isn’t this fun” smirk… My wife and I are clearly not having as much fun as she is…

1) Crying will start to die down from now on???