Day #43 (Mon., Feb. 15, 2010) – The Bib Duck

Little Katie is sleeping in the bouncy seat with her “I Love My Daddy” bib on. It’s amazing how peaceful and tranquil she looks now. It’s hard to believe that such so much noise can come out of that little package if she needs to be fed or changed.

2010-02-15 - Bib Duck
2010-02-15 - Bib Duck

To the right is a picture of our “bib duck”. It is actually a pajama bag, but we find it much more convenient to store all of little Katie’s bibs. She uses so many bibs that it’s nice to have them handy. I’m sure she will like to play with the “bib duck” as she gets older…

It’s kind of cold outside today so no stroller walk for little Katie.

7:17pm and little Katie is having her evening meal. She grunts and moans and gasps as she drinks up…sure sounds like she is enjoying it.

My wife just said that she is falling more and love with our “little puppy” each and every day. I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure that this sentiment will only grow as she gets older and is able to talk and express herself.

1) Little Katie becomes more adorable each and every day.