Day #606 (Thu., Sept 1, 2011) – Stuffed Animal To Bed
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Katie got up at 5am this morning. My wife is sleeping so I’m taking care of her. It is now 6:18am and Katie is “organizing” her combination of Cheerios/Raisins that I gave her for breakfast.

Katie loves to watch television from her dollhouse “perch”. The photo to the left shows her watching the Beverly Hillbillies early this morning…daddy was trying to get her to go to bed…
My wife told me that the ritual she goes through with Katie each evening has changed. It used to be that they would say goodnight to all the stuffed animals. Now she goes through each of them and asks Katie if she would like to take one of them to bed. She will quietly say “no” to each of them, and when my wife says “So you don’t want to take any to bed?” she will pick one. Last night she chose the stuffed monkey.
My mother-in-law and I took Katie to the playground near the swimming pool this evening. One good thing about this location is that there are no swings, so Katie will not be able to spend most of her time in them.
Katie had a bad case of diarrhea this evening. We are not sure why. I did give her some organic raisins this morning…but that shouldn’t have caused it. My wife asked me to wash them from now on just in case.
As my mother-in-law was going to bed this evening I said “Want to say goodnight to grandma” and Katie ran to her and gave her a hug. This happened quite a few times. I think my mother-in-law got addicted to it…
1) We are trying to take Katie to parks with no swings so she will do something else.