Day #623 (Sun., Sept 18, 2011) – Katie’s New Obsession…Bikes?

2011-09-18 - Head Of Hair
2011-09-18 - Head Of Hair

Katie was up early this morning and actually said the word “Milk” indicating that she wanted some. I didn’t know she could say that word. Her vocabulary is growing day by day.

Katie sure has one curly head of hair…take a look at the photo to the right.

This evening I took Katie to the playground near Lochmere. She had a little swing but soon said “out” so I took her out and let her run around. She played a bit in the sand and a bit on the slide, but the new fixation she seems to have was on the bikes that a family drove to the park on. She ran up to them and patted one and said “Bike”. I didn’t know that she even knew that word. She would then run back and play a bit but soon ran back to the bikes again. I think she must have visited the bikes 3-4 times, and even went back to the location when the people had driven them off.

On the ride home Katie would say “bike” (instead of “train”) and I told her that I would play a bike video on the television when we got home. I did find some YouTube videos of bikes to play for her, but they were nothing special.

1) Katie sure has one curly head of hair.