Day #625 (Tue., Sept 20, 2011) – Spin On The Trike

I woke up around 5am and my wife was up working on her thesis. Katie was still in bed but when my wife decided to go to bed Katie got up so I was up for another hour or so.

2011-09-20 - Katie On Her Trike
2011-09-20 - Katie On Her Trike

This evening I took Katie outside for a run on her trike (see photo to the left). My wife took her out for a ride on it a couple of days ago but this was the first time that I took her out. As long as she was on it it was fine, but as soon as she got off she wanted to run down to the highway so I had to keep an eye on her. I pushed her up and down our lane a number of times and as we would see a car drive down the highway we would count them. We counted up to a dozen at one point.

When Katie heard a motor bike I pointed it out to her. She said “moor bike” (kind of like “More Bike”…

Katie seems to be more comfortable with “sitting” on a moving object. She doesn’t really like to sit on the various rocking animals at the park, but is much more comfortable with a trike.

1) Katie has daddy push her in her trike for the first time.