Day #627 (Thu., Sept 22, 2011) – Ringing In Your Head
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The photo to the right shows the storage rack that we got for Katie’s toys. Hopefully it will help us to keep her things a bit more organized.
Since my wife has been finishing up her PhD I have been getting up in the middle of the night and taking care of Katie. We definitely know that she is up when she “screams”…but a sign she is about to get up is if the Rainforest Waterfall Soother goes off. It plays one melody and it’s hard to sleep as this music keeps rolling around in your head night after night even when it is not playing (I guess it is in anticipation of it going off). If I had one suggestion for this product it would be that it have an assortment of melodies. In this way if one particular melody is ringing in your head you can say…Katie can’t be up…I know I changed the melody to be “this” and not “that”.
We had a hard time putting Katie to bed this afternoon. She was banging on the bedroom door and crying so we let her in and she immediately ran to the pillow on the bed. We know the routine…she wants to watch “Oswald”. She scoots her little bum onto the pillow and we tuck her in with the bedsheet. She will smile and laugh and point at the television…time for Oswald. Once she watches a bit of television she is ready to eat. She had a bowl of chicken but it needed a bit of moisture (in Katie’s opinion), so she drowned it in apple juice. She was then ready to eat and she munched and munched on the chicken til it was gone. With her tummy full it was easy to put her to bed.
It’s getting harder and harder to keep your eyes on Katie. She is fast as lightning and into everything. She will take one of my file folders and shake it til all the papers fall out. She will pour her juice and milk on almost anything that doesn’t move.
1) Katie’s Waterfall Soother music sure gets into your head.