Day #628 (Fri., Sept 23, 2011) – Wind Up Thomas The Train
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Time to go to Trader Joe’s again this afternoon. Goat’s milk and berries for Katie…that’s the main thing on the shopping list. I prefer to go to Trader Joe’s during the week as it tends to be too busy on the weekend.

My wife went to consignment sale at the Church in downtown Cary and I took care of Katie. I was hoping that she would be in bed by the time my wife got back but Katie had other plans. We watched a little Oswald, watched some train video, I made her two cups of milk, and even gave her a plate of berries, cheese and “cook”…but she would not go to bed. When my wife came back she was still up and running for about another hour…but her energizer bunny batteries eventually ran out.
One of the toys that my wife got for Katie at the last consignment sale today a “wind up” Thomas the Train (see photo to the left). In actuality you push the head of the train engineer down and this winds up the spring. When you put the train on the ground it will race off into the distance. She also got another wooden train with 4 cars. Katie loved them both.
1) Katie got a “wind up” Thomas Train today.