Day #634 (Thu., Sept 29, 2011) – “Moon Now”

I took Katie to the park this evening. I was thinking of going to the playground near Lockmere, but the parking lot was packed so I decided to take her to the “Dragon Park” as we call it.

I usually don’t like to take Katie to the “Dragon Park” when I am alone. There are various reasons why, including:

1) Katie keeps wanting to go to the main climbing and slide section. There are too many areas where she can fall off it when she gets inside and I can’t get to her to protect her.

2) There is a “drop off” area where she can run down a hill and then fall off. I had to run after her one time a while back when she was running around and almost fell off. I don’t want to have to try to keep her away from this area while I balance a knapsack of her supplies on my back as well.

2011-09-29 - Moon
2011-09-29 - Moon

3) When it is time to go she loves to run to the back of the park rather than to the car. The end result is that I have to pick her up and take her to the car…hard on daddy’s arms as it is quite the distance.

On the drive back from the park I said to Katie “Sun gone…getting dark”. Katie replied “Moon Now”…I was shocked. I didn’t realize that she could link the two together like that. We stopped off at the Food Lion down the road and I pointed out to her the moon in the sky (see photo to the right).

1) Katie said “Moon Now” in reference to the sun going down this evening.