Day #634 (Thu., Sept 29, 2011) – “Moon Now”
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I took Katie to the park this evening. I was thinking of going to the playground near Lockmere, but the parking lot was packed so I decided to take her to the “Dragon Park” as we call it.
I usually don’t like to take Katie to the “Dragon Park” when I am alone. There are various reasons why, including:
1) Katie keeps wanting to go to the main climbing and slide section. There are too many areas where she can fall off it when she gets inside and I can’t get to her to protect her.
2) There is a “drop off” area where she can run down a hill and then fall off. I had to run after her one time a while back when she was running around and almost fell off. I don’t want to have to try to keep her away from this area while I balance a knapsack of her supplies on my back as well.

3) When it is time to go she loves to run to the back of the park rather than to the car. The end result is that I have to pick her up and take her to the car…hard on daddy’s arms as it is quite the distance.
On the drive back from the park I said to Katie “Sun gone…getting dark”. Katie replied “Moon Now”…I was shocked. I didn’t realize that she could link the two together like that. We stopped off at the Food Lion down the road and I pointed out to her the moon in the sky (see photo to the right).
1) Katie said “Moon Now” in reference to the sun going down this evening.