Day #646 (Tue., Oct 11, 2011) – Oswald And Tele-Tubbie DVD’s
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Katie got up at 1:15am and I wasn’t able to put her back to bed til after 4am. We did manage to make some blueberry coffee cake in the meantime. It will be ready for my wife when she wakes up.

When we moved Katie’s books to the book rack a couple of days ago it freed up more space for Katie’s toys. The photo to the left shows the magazine rack where she can store her toys on top.
Ramona took Katie out for a walk in the rain this morning. Katie doesn’t mind putting on these current rain boats she has as they don’t have high sides. The yellow rain boots that she recently outgrew used to go so high up on her legs that she was actually afraid of them (at least we assume this is the reason).
My wife got some Oswald and Tele-Tubbie DVD’s for Katie in the mail today. With the TiVo down in the bedroom we want to ensure that she will be able to have stuff in the living room when the need arises.
Speaking of the TiVo in the bedroom I ordered a hard drive for it. It will be here on Friday (or so they say), but after we put it in we will have tons of hard drive space.
1) Katie got some Oswald and Tele-Tubbie DVD’s in the mail today.