Day #652 (Mon., Oct 17, 2011) – Looking For Halloween Decorations

Katie got up around 3:30am so that meant daddy got up as well. We did the usual…cup of milk, some bread and veggies for a meal, and watched a bit of television (i.e.: Oswald). By 5:30am she was ready to go back to bed.

2011-10-17 - Halloween Decorations
2011-10-17 - Halloween Decorations

This evening we took Katie for a drive around the neighborhood to see some of the Halloween decorations (see photo to the right). It’s funny…there doesn’t seem to be much out there. They sell all these inflatable Halloween decorations at Lowe’s and Home Depot, but they are certainly not being put up. Could we be too early? Perhaps…but Halloween is only 2 weeks away. Maybe people don’t feel like celebrating much due to the recession?

We did get the chance to see a train…which Katie enjoyed. As we were driving away from downtown Cary I heard the sound of a train and it sure sounded like it was heading towards Cary. I drove to the nearest railway crossing just in time to get Katie out of the backseat and enjoy the ride. It was a rather short train, and Katie cried when it rode by, but at least she got to see a bit of it.

My wife asked me how many words I think Katie knows. We decided that it might be in the range of 100 or so. She seems to be picking up new words each day. This evening when she saw the various Halloween decorations she started saying “Big Pumpkin”.

1) Katie got to see some Halloween decorations this evening.