Day #668 (Wed., Nov 2, 2011) – The Sock Purse
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I went to the Dollar Store at noon today to specifically get some bread for Katie and Ramona so that they could feed the ducks. This is a favored activity of Katie and you need bread in order to engage in it. While there I also picked up some other items.
1) A “fold-up” turkey that I’m planning on suspending from the living room ceiling fan.
2) A “sock purse” (see photo to the right) so that Katie can store her crayons and such. She loves socks, and she loves to organize, so it is sure to be a winner.
3) A miniature toy golf club and ball.
Ramona was trying to change Katie and Katie was being very uncooperative. When I gave her the sock purse and showed her how you could put crayons in it she calmed right down. I guess she took it to bed with her.
The first thing that Katie noticed when she got up from her nap this afternoon was the “turkey” that was suspending from the fan. I turned the fan on so Katie could see the “bird in flight”.
This evening I took Katie down the road to see the “Drakin” display but it was gone. Understandable considering that Halloween is now passed. I decided to take her to Lowe’s so she could run around and at least see all the Christmas decorations. She had loads of fun.
1) Katie liked the “Sock Purse” that I got her.