Day #669 (Thu., Nov 3, 2011) – “That Way”
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My wife got a bunch of cookie cutters in the mail today. Some were plastic letters and others were metal Christmas cookie cutters. We’re getting ready for the holidays early.
My wife and I are already talking about getting a Christmas tree this year. We are planning on an artificial tree. Considering an 8′ “real” tree will cost anywhere from $60-80 (I’m sure we could get one a lot cheaper if we were willing to drive to the country), an artificial tree is quite the bargain. You can use it year after year and if you get a good one it looks pretty real. You won’t need to take a the life of a hapless tree and clean up after all it’s mess as well.
Our babysitter took Katie out for a stroll today and Katie said “that way” in reference to which direction she wanted to take.

The next question when considering a tree is whether to get one with lights already on it. I vote for “no”. This provides you with the opportunity to decorate it anyway you want.
In one of Katie’s books there is a picture of five white horses. She looks at it and says “five horses” (see photo to the right) so she knows what five is.
1) Katie knows what the number five means.