Day #671 (Sat., Nov 5, 2011) – Putting On The Vest

We had another Skype session with my mother this morning. I showed my mother the Jack-O-Lantern I made Katie and Katie showed her how she sat in her chair to watch television in the bedroom.

2011-11-05 - Humidifier
2011-11-05 - Humidifier

We just put Katie to bed this afternoon when I choked on a peanut. I’m fine but all that coughing woke up Katie so we had to dress her up and I took her out for a drive. The one thing you don’t want to do when you have a small child is to disrupt their sleep patterns. We went to the playground near Lochmere so she could run around a bit.

The photo to the left shows the new humidifier that we have for Katie’s room. Katie has such dry skin that we are hoping this will help with the problem.

There is this one particular video on YouTube called the “Zoo Train”. It highlights a computer program that children can use to learn to spell, etc. We are not too big on getting Katie hooked on video games when she is young, but we will keep it in mind for the future.

I happened to find a great little video on YouTube about Superfragilisticexpialadocious (if that is how you spell it). I can’t seem to find it right now, but here’s a similar one that Katie would also love:

This evening my wife and I were in the living room when in walked Katie with a red vest on. The red vest in question was the one we used last year when we flew to Canada. It strapped Katie to mommy to keep her safe and secure during the trip. This is significant…it is the first time that she has actually “dressed” herself.

1) Katie has a new humidifier for her room.