Day #692 (Sat., Nov 26, 2011) – Not Feeling Her Best
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My wife and I took turns sleeping so that we could tend to Katie. My wife went to bed soon after midnight so I guess you could say I took the midnight shift. Katie would cough then cry but she didn’t really get up til about 2(ish). I made her some milk and a bowl of various food items (cheese, dried blueberries, blackberries, mandarin orange, granola, etc.). She drank a bit but refused to eat. We watched “Little Bear Goblin Night” (she likes the part where the monkey pokes its head over the cliff) and “Fresh Beat Band” (not my favorite…). At about 4ish I changed her and put her to bed. Her tummy was very hot but she did manage to doze off…
The photo to the left shows the Christmas Star we have on our tree. It changes through various colors…
Katie is still not feeling her best. She still refuses to eat, but she is downing the milk pretty good…which is an encouraging sign.
Since Katie is not sleeping well she is spending a lot of time in our bedroom watching the television. She enjoys Little Bear but the Fresh Beat Band is a recent favorite. Oswald is probably still her favorite show, but she is branching out in other cartoon formats.
This evening we went out for a drive thinking that Katie would be better able to sleep in the car seat due to its upright position. We drove about 30 minutes before she finally fell asleep, and then we drove for about 90 minutes before she got up. We got to see a lot of Christmas lights in Apex and Cary and Morrisville and were amazed at how many people were putting up Christmas lights in the dark. One guy had a ladder up to the second or third floor of his house… Kind of scary if you ask me. I guess people go to Black Friday Specials now so there is not a lot of time on the traditional Friday to put up Christmas lights.
1) Katie is still not feeling her best.