Day #693 (Sun., Nov 27, 2011) – Trying To Be Happy…
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Katie still has her cold and we are doing the best to comfort her. This morning I was woken by her cough. She actually sounds like a little dog barking. It goes like “cough, cough” then “owww…” as her little lungs must be hurting by now.
While watching the “Fresh Beat Band” this morning Katie started to move her arms and hands with the music…an encouraging sign. She is definitely “Trying To Be Happy”…

The photo to the left shows the box that our Christmas tree came in. Well, it now resides in the garage waiting for its contents. Guess the garage is where this will be stored when it is not being displayed in our living room…not much room anywhere else.
This afternoon we decided to take Katie out for a drive. Seems likes she can sleep better in her car seat. It takes a while for her to fall asleep, but once she does she can be out for a good while. We try to let her sleep for at least an hour, so that can mean a lot of driving through the various neighborhoods. She slept for about 90 minutes today while we explored the various neighborhoods. We are thinking of moving sometime so that Katie will have a backyard to play in. If this happens to be close to a “Green Way” so much the better. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to get a map of the area (I can get them free from AAA) and highlight where the green ways are. From there we can target neighborhoods that are close to these entrance points. Other criteria for our new home are: backyard, close to good schools, convenient to a highway for work, etc.
6:30pm – Katie has been drinking lots of milk but has refused to eat anything for days. She just started to eat some blueberries so that is an encouraging sign that her cold is breaking…
1) Katie sounded like a barking dog this morning.