Day #51 (Tue., Feb. 23, 2010) – Boundless Energy
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I had to drive my wife’s car to the mechanic to check on the tires. Little Katie slept in the back seat for most of the trip. When we got home another stroll around the neighborhood for little Katie. More nap time for little Katie.
Little Katie was playing in her bouncy seat when I heard a “noise”. Oh Oh…time to change the baby. My oh my, how can one little baby make such a mess… She’s back in her bouncy seat now. She really likes the smiley flower rattle. I think it’s the smiley face that she is fascinated with the most.

A friend came over this afternoon and little Katie was up and running. She gave little Katie a foot massage, and Katie really seemed to like it. I’ve noticed that when I stroke her hair she likes that as well. Guess we have a little “touchy feely” girl on our hands here.
I was entertaining little Katie with the book “Mirror me” (as shown in the photo on the right). Each page has a mirror on it, and she can see her reflection. She really seemed to enjoy it!
9:55pm and little Katie is up and running. How can she get by on so little sleep? Where does she get all this energy? My wife and I are just amazed at this. I was able to sleep for an hour or so early this evening, but my poor wife is still up. When you are driving the milk truck you can’t always take a day off and rest. She was hoping to have a nap later this evening, but our dear little child is not cooperating very well. She keeps looking up at us with that look of “why are you two old folks so tired?
Little Katie is communicating with us more and more as she gets older. She likes it when I sing to her and move her legs in unison with the beat.
My wife just mentioned “do you know how many times you wrote little Katie” in this post? I should probably go back and change it…but let’s just attribute it to lack of sleep… 🙂
11:47pm and little Katie is up and running. Another change and another attempt to put her to bed. I should invest in a diaper company!
11:55pm – Spoke too soon… Ever heard that song “Everything old is new again”? One more time…
12:07am – Now she is really asleep… Signing off til morning…
12:22am – Ugh!!! Little Katie was rustling in her crib so I got up and turned the music on. No good. So, I thought I would try to burp her. Sitting position, no good. On her back and moving her legs, no good. Flying chipmunk, no good. Sitting position again…BINGO. Now she is frustrated and hopefully after a bit of a feeding she will be ready to go to sleep. My wife mentioned that she has been saying this since 5pm…
12:51am – Guess who’s still up. Wife and me and baby makes three…
1) Little Katie loves foot massages and…
2) Seeing her reflection in the mirror.