Day #753 (Thu., Jan. 26, 2012) – The Toilet Paper Roll
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Another photo from the consignment sale on the weekend. The photo to the left shows the selection of pants that my wife picked up for Katie.
Looks like today promises to be a rather sunny day so I decided that I would give the baby doll crib another touch up of yellow paint to see if it has stopped seeping through to the wood. once I get this issue resolved I will be ready to put on the finishing touches.
I called my wife around 5:30pm this evening to tell her that I was heading for home. She said that we might need to go for a drive when I get home…Katie is in one of her fussy moods. When I arrived home it was after 6pm so we figured that we would just wait a bit longer and Katie would go to bed for the evening. Here’s to wishful thinking…
This evening Katie decided that she would examine all the sheets in a toilet paper roll. She ripped them off one by one til there was a little pile of toilet paper sheets on our bed. Let’s hope that she got this out of her system and will not do the same with every roll of toilet paper that she encounters.
Later in the evening we discovered why Katie was fussy. She had a nice #2 and she started to calm down after that. “Ah what a relief it is”…
1) Katie has learned to take all the sheets off a toilet paper roll.