Day #968 (Tue., Aug. 28, 2012) – Biggest Baby?
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I stopped off at Helen’s house (Katie’s friend) on the way home from work. My wife and Katie were there visiting the family. It was dinner time so I didn’t stay long…we packed up Katie and went home.
I gave Katie a “Special Present” this evening…a toy plastic elephant (see photo to the left). Not sure exactly why but she really took to it. Perhaps it was because it is bigger than her other plastic animal toys? Perhaps it is because she loves elephants so much.
I was working in the bedroom when Katie came running up to me and said I had to go with her and see the “Biggest baby you have ever seen”. I followed her to the living room and saw that she was referring to my wife who was sitting on the living room floor. Not sure where this comment came from?
This evening I was sitting in the LazyBoy and Katie came up and put her plastic boat toy on top of me. There are some things that I enjoy getting when I’m in my LazyBoy…a nice glass of wine…a nice sandwich perhaps? But definitely not a plastic toy boat…
1) Katie loves to visit her new friend Helen.