Day #1066 (Tue., Dec. 4, 2012) – Into The Glassware

My wife and both left for work early this morning. We wanted to get out of the house before Katie got up as it will be much easier for Rebecca to handle her if she doesn’t see us. We heard her scuttle about as we were leaving…mission accomplished.

Katie is 2 years 11 months old today. Time sure flies. Next month on this day we will be hosting her 3rd Birthday Party. We are still going through ideas on what to do…and where.

When I got home from work Katie was not in the best of moods. My wife took her to see Lucy & Zack the dog and Katie was not pleased when they had to leave early. Katie took her toy dog to show Zack. When my wife said that it had curly hair just like Zack Katie piped up and said that it had curly hair like her as well. So I guess Katie realizes that she has curly hair.

2012-12-04 - Christmas Lights
2012-12-04 – Christmas Lights
The photo to the right shows the blue “Solar Christmas Lights” in action.

This evening Katie got into the cabinet behind our sofa. She started off by taking out some ceramic flowers to show daddy…but that was not enough. She managed to get into some Lithuanian glasses and trinkets as well. My wife didn’t mind her playing with them so the eventually ended up in the master bedroom where Katie had me pretend to drink from them.

After I went to bed my wife sent me the following email:

11 pm. I turn the baby monitor on and it starts beeping like crazy. I sneak into Katie’s room to check on the transmitter and find it on the floor and shut off. Most importantly, ON THE FLOOR by it, between the bed and the changing table, there is an asleep child. I dragged Katie out, put to bed, she looked at me and fell asleep immediately.

1) Katie slept on the hardwood floor this evening.