Day #1615 (Fri., June 6, 2014) – Pool Party
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My wife invited a few of Katie’s classmates over for a pool party today. I took the morning off work so I could helped to clean up the house. The cats brought a “present” to the front door…what was left of a hapless squirrel. One more thing to take care of before the guests arrive.
As the guests were arriving I was out the door and off to work. Only Duncan and Katie were there when I left the house. Eventually Eleri came as well. No sign of Olivia.
This evening my wife and I took Katie to the new exhibit at Kidzoo. Clifford has gone home to Minnesota and now they have an exhibit of “How Foods Grow”. There was a little kitchen that Katie loved to spend a lot of time in. They also had a climbing wall but Katie was having nothing to do with that for some reason. Given the physical nature of this child you’d think she would have been all over it. I also gave Katie a bit of a puppet show with “Wizard Al And His Daughter” (see photo to the left).
Katie has been punching and pinching daddy as of late. If I go to one room and follows me and continues on. I’m not sure where she gets this from but she sure loves physical antics.
1) We had some of Katie’s friends over for a pool party today.