Day #1697 (Wed., Aug. 27, 2014) – Katie Visits The Dentist
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While Batman lies around nursing his bad hip joint Robin is getting much more adventuresome. As you can tell in the photo to the left he even tried to climb the patio today.
Nikki took Katie to the dentist today. Here’s the first email that she sent my wife:
Katie just went back. She was a little scared at first, but she gets to watch “Frozen”! So that’s exciting for her. The assistant said hopefully no numbing, but they’ll determine that after the X-ray to see how deep the dental cavity is. Hopefully it’s just the surface! I’ll let you know when we’re done.
Then a bit later:
Katie did great! She didn’t need numbing. She did have another small brown spot on her front tooth, the dentist took care of it free of charge (I didn’t know until she was done). The next time she goes it will just be for a cleaning 🙂 We’re about to eat some bunny pasta and go to the pool!
Special present is in order for Katie this evening after all this. I gave her one of the huge dinosaur coloring books that I picked up at the Dollar Store on Sunday.
This evening Katie painted her toes with her finger paint.
1) Katie didn’t need numbing at the dentist today.