Day #2082 (Wed., Sept. 16, 2015) – Katie Has A Boyfriend
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My wife had Katie eat her milkshake before she got into the car this morning. If she takes it with her she tends to not finish it and it ends up in her backpack for the return trip home.

As we were driving to Glenwood we went over our numbers again. I thought that if we counted “ducks” that would help, but still the same problem…missing numbers and forgetting what comes next. I think I will write the numbers down on a piece of paper for Katie and show how they relate. She might be a very visual person and this might be just the “crutch” she needs.
Katie told me that she plays with Ella at school because Helen is being mean and will not play with her. Not sure what’s up with that….
Kasey took Katie to the pool after school today.
Little Bobby loves this little teddy bear rattle that lights up when you shake it (see photo to the right). It was in actuality one of Katie’s rattles and it is still lighting up and workable all these years later.
My wife told me that Katie mentioned to her that she had a new boyfriend, William. I guess they told the teacher that they are going to be married.