Day #2164 (Mon., Dec. 7, 2015) – “Bigger Than A Breadbox” On The Way To School
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My wife did Katie’s hair up nicely this morning. You can see the finished result in the photo to the right.
Katie wanted to do “Bigger Than A Breadbox” on the way to Glenwood school this morning. She thought of an owl and I was trying to figure out what it was when Katie told me. She has a hard time understanding that you are only supposed to answer yes/no. I thought of a shark and had to give Katie lots and lots of hints til she eventually guessed it.
This evening the whole family assembled on Katie’s bed to play “Bigger Than A Breadbox”. Little Bobby doesn’t care for the game much, but he sure loves having the whole family around and all the attention he gets. My wife had a hard time figuring out “raccoon”. She asked “Have I seen one”? I replied with an enthusiastic “YES” as she screamed when she saw one the other day (it comes in through the cat door for a snack of cat food from time-to-time).
Daddy is still coughing and weak so I’m not able to help my wife out much in the evening these days. I sure wish these doctors would give me something rather than saying “Come back in a week or two”.