Day #2323 (Sat., May 14, 2016) – George Of The Jungle

When I got up this morning my wife wanted to take a nap as she was up early with Bobby. This is something that happens quite a bit in our house. As she napped while Bobby napped Katie and I played the “Rat Race” game. She was getting all the bad rolls of the dice so I took the opportunity to tell her that this is like life in many ways…you never know what’s going to come at you…good or bad…

2016-05-14 - Bobby Cat TVBobby and I were watching the television this afternoon when Robin just came and plopped himself down in front of us (see photo to the right).

I showed Katie some “Super Chicken” and “George of the Jungle” videos on YouTube today. Cartoons of my time…she didn’t really relate much but she sure liked the theme songs. Of course Bobby just enjoyed watching Katie run about.

I gave Bobby some shreaded cheese today and he seemed to really like it. At least it was a different taste from his usual slop.

Katie would not do her Razz Kids homework this afternoon so I dealt with her while my wife put Bobby to bed. I told her that if she wanted to watch television and have a nice bowl of ice cream at the same time the solution was really easy. All she needed to do was to tell my wife that she wanted to do her homework and would she mind turning the computer on for her please. Then, when she was done, just ask for television and some ice cream. Simple… She did this and reaped the rewards…