Day #2324 (Sun., May 15, 2016) – Bobby Bites My Wife

I was up early this morning so I went for groceries at Trader Joe’s while the kids were taking a bath. I got some fresh cherries and chocolate marshmallow candies for Katie.

2016-05-15 - Bobby BitesBobby bit my wife today. He does this when he gets frustrated. You can see the two little “vampire fangs” in the photo to the left.

My leg was really bothering me when I got home from Trader Joe’s. Katie wanted me to take her to Kidzoo but I was upset that she was thinking about herself rather than my knee. Being appreciative of what she has and thinking of others is something that we will have to instill in her. I had her sign a little letter saying that she would be more thankful of things that she has and think more of others in the future. We were then ready to go to Kidzoo…

So today was effectively Daddy/Daughter Day #44. I had to go get some gas and on the way back we stopped off at YoPop at Katie’s request. I showed the lady who owns YoPop a video of Bobby and she said that he looks like me. My wife’s boss thinks she looks like him. Time will tell…

Bobby did not want to go to bed this evening. We eventually coaxed him into taking some ibuprofen by letting him watch YouTube videos on my smart phone.