Day #2331 (Sun., May 22, 2016) – Volcano Experiments

2016-05-22 - CrayonsWhile my wife took a nap this morning Katie and I did some “volcano experiments” with a science kit she got a while back. I brought out the vinegar and baking soda with some food coloring and we had loads of fun making various “bubbly” concoctions. You can make a lot of great experiments with simple household supplies…no need to buy an expensive science kit.

We even have to keep crayons away from Bobby or he will munch on them. In the photo to the left you can see where he munched the ends off of a pink one…

Katie is very good in dealing with Bobby but she is going to have to learn that if she wants to keep her toys and other belongings safe and sound she will need to put them into her bedroom. Once he starts walking he will be almost everywhere. We have agreed that her bedroom will be her refuge and this is where she will put things that she wants to keep safe.