Day #2334 (Wed., May 25, 2016) – The Extension Cord

2016-05-25 - Extension CordBobby cannot get enough of the extension cord shown in the photo to the left. He will grab it out of the socket and munch on it. We have had to put the LazyBoy in front of the socket to keep him away from it.

Katie saw Eleri and agreed to not play together after school today … no drama. It’s nice not to have a drama as it seems that whenever Eleri is involved there is only drama.

Chloe & Merrin was another issue. Apparently they would not let her be door holder at school today. Katie cried for 30 minutes after school according to Arnesa.

I went to the gym and then WalGreens afterwards this evening. I picked up some epsom salts, hydrocortosone 1% cream for Bobby’s face, and some triple ointment as well.

Bobby has taken to pushing one of Katie’s ride-on vehicles while on knees. Unlike Katie he is not walking everywhere now that he knows how to do it.