Day #2402 (Mon., Aug 1, 2016) – Arnesa Is Back

2016-08-01 - Arnesa's GiftArnesa is back doing nanny duties as of today. Both her and her husband stopped by this morning to see the kids and drop off gifts. She brought a lovely bouquet of chocolate strawberries for Katie (see photo to the left).

Today is the first day of science camp at Kidzoo for Katie. I dropped her off in the AM and then picked her up and took her home at noon. On the drive back she showed me the little measuring cylinder and plastic pipette that they got as a gift to take home.

I made an appointment with Lloyd’s to get my car looked at tomorrow. He said that as long as I keep the oil topped up and make sure the engine doesn’t overheat it will be okay to drive it.

When I got home from work this evening Arnesa and Genan were picking up the consignment stuff that my wife picked up for her at the sale she went to a while back.