Day #2412 (Thu., Aug 11, 2016) – Slinky Dog
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On the drive over to Kidzoo this morning I told Katie that I had a surprise for her. It was a quarter…and she could use it to get whatever she wanted from the vending machine in the mall. She thought and thought and ended up getting a neon ring. It actually cost fifty cents so I luckily had another quarter in my wallet.
At Detective/Spy Camp today Katie made binoculars. She got to keep them which was great.
The Slinky Dog came yesterday (see photo to the right) and although Katie wanted to unpack it last night it was her bedtime…so we unpacked it today. It is based on the Toy Story movie and is nothing like the original Slinky Dog that we used to have as children. For one thing, it is smaller and the string is not long enough for Bobby to pull it behind him as he walks. In addition, the hind legs of the toy seem to keep falling over. Not at all the quality of those toys we had as kids…a sign of the times I’m afraid.
Bobby weighed in at: 32 lbs 10.5 oz (14810g) – 98.6 percentile.