Day #2421 (Sat., Aug 20, 2016) – Koi Fish Farm

2016-08-20 - Koi Fish FarmMy wife took Katie to Sophi’s birthday party shortly after 10am this morning. I tended to Bobby.

Sophi is a girl in Katie’s class. She moved here in May from Portland, Oregon and Katie befriended her and took her under her wing (as Katie is known to do). I guess an invite to this birthday party was their way of saying “thanks”. It was held at Sophi’s grandparents place…which happens to be a Koi fish farm. They had bouncy houses and a big buffet table. Koi are very expensive fish (see photo to the right). They can easily get into the $1000 range per fish. My wife mentioned how she wished that they had given the people a tour of the farm.

I fed Bobby but he would not go to bed. He finally went to bed after 1pm. I went to bed for a nap soon after he did. My wife and Katie returned from the party around 2:30pm.

Bobby really doesn’t like it when his fingers are messy. Like when he gets baby food or some other “stuff” on them. He will gesture for you to wipe them.

Bobby has started to do the “Hi 5” symbol of raising his little hand. He gets a real delight out of having you hit his hand with yours.

He still likes the television show Hi-5. Those songs are very addictive. You find yourself humming them throughout the day.