Day #2428 (Sat., Aug 27, 2016) – Rearranging Furniture

I went to Trader Joe’s for groceries this morning. One of the guys was recommending this particular type of popcorn. I thought he said it was “Hollywood Popcorn” but on the package it said “Bollywood Popcorn”. It had Indian spices on it…way to hot for Katie. Bobby on the other hand put one in his mouth and didn’t seem to mind???

2016-08-27 - Rearrange FurnitureThere was a neighborhood party this evening for a new family that just moved in. There is a girl a couple of years older than Katie and a boy a couple of years older than that. Katie had a wonderful time…in fact she didn’t want to leave. My knee was bothering me so I stayed home and tended to Bobby.

Bobby and I played with the big red cardboard blocks and Play Doh containers.

After noticing how much Katie enjoys sitting in Bobby’s green chair I suggested we get another chair for Katie. This lead to another discussion and by the end of the evening the furniture was rearranged so that the two LazyBoys are next to each other (see photo to the left).