Day #2450 (Sun., Sept. 18, 2016) – Bobby Climbs On The Table
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My wife got everyone to sign a onesie at the baby shower yesterday. She is going to frame it (see photo to the right) and give it to Arnesa as a gift.
I hobbled down to Trader Joe’s this morning to pick up supplies. With my knee pain I don’t feel like doing much around the house but at least I can do this… They have started to sell organic strawberry ice cream so I had to pick up some for Katie.
This afternoon there was a party for Miss Barbara, Katie’s swimming teacher. She has been teaching kids to swim since she was 14 years old. My wife took Katie to it while I stayed at home and tended to Bobby (which seems to be my role as of late).
Bobby and spent some time throwing a ball. I would sit on the floor and he would stand inside my legs and I would put the ball in his hand and use my hand and arm to throw it across the room. I would count 1-2-3 go and off it would go. He would go and get it and come back for more.
It’s getting harder and harder to watch Bobby now that he has the desire to climb. Long gone are the Captain Turnip days. He will climb on anything he can it seems. Couches, chairs, etc. Today he even managed to climb up on the table via one of the adjacent chairs.
Katie was sitting on the bed in the master bedroom and eating pizza and strawberry ice cream. I guess that Bobby wanted to have some strawberry ice cream as well and since his hand/eye coordination is not that good I slept on ice cream tonight.
With this knee problem I’m missing out on a lot of fun activities with the kids. If I was more mobile I would be taking Bobby to the zoo and Kidzoo like I did for Katie when she was younger.