Day #2469 (Fri., Oct. 7, 2016) – Macarena The “Go Noodle”

2016-10-07-light-switchOn the way to Glenwood today Katie told me that they have a “Go Noodle” named Macarena (like the dance). I guess this is used to “get the sillies out”. It sounds like whenever the teacher feels that the class is too restless or not listening they get up and dance with these “Go Noodles”.

Bobby has made a toy out of the makeshift light switch on the lamp next to my bed (see photo to the right). As he is watching “Hi-5” or “Mother Goose Club” on television he will randomly reach over and turn it on and off.

My wife took the kids to Kiczoo in afternoon. Bobby had the time of his life running around with a wooden screwdriver.

We need to solve the problem of Katie not going to bed early. No Halloween party or Trick or Treating? This would be a much more effective punishment than having television taken away.

Hurricane Matthew is churning up the coast. It might be really rainy tomorrow so I went to WholeFoods for milk this evening.